The very first thing one encounters when starting Opera 10 for the first time, it is refreshing the user interface. Opera has been the designer Jon Hicks to join the team for the beautiful people look up to the browser. Aesthetics is always a smaksak, but yours truly seems in any case that Opera 10 stands as a more attractive and far healthier browser.

There you have to take into account is that Opera is a program that is rich in features and suffering in many ways the same problem that the applications in Office suite to Microsoft - which the programs have very many features, but where the challenge lies in create a user interface that makes it easy for the user to access the various functions without being confused. We like what we see in Opera 10.For our part, it seemed as if the user tries to emphasize the new features such as Opera Turbo.


Due to the program's version status, we have not put great emphasis on test performance. A couple of tests we have taken the time to. Opera promises Opera 10 beta is the full 40 percent faster than the current 9.6-release. Under Future Marks Peace Keeper browser program achieved a profit of 1639 points. This is the second best result we have received during this Test.

By comparison, the Opera 9.64 520 points and preview release of version 703 points Tuesday. Although the increase in performance is solid, it is still a good distance up to 2.0 Google Chrome web browser that can view the incredible 2225 points. By comparison, getting 330 points IE8 and Firefox 3.0.10 470 points.

Faster Gmail

In more practical tests are the clear signs of improvement. In particular, Gmail goes very quickly. Here we talk about an improvement approaching two-gangeren. For popular services like Facebook and Twitter were discrepancies in the results so different that we have not chosen to emphasize them in this round. Was probably the server load that created the store in inconsistent results. But in brief, it is still a bit to the super fast Chrome, which is always a taken front of all the browsers on the market.


Opera has recently come in the shadow of Microsoft, Google and Firefox. The latter company has recently been busy launching new final and non-final versions of their browsers. With this beta release of Opera shows the company that they have not rested on our laurels.

Instead, the forces have been used to develop and improve. With this beta version of Opera browser 10 serves all interested a browser that is faster, more attractive and even easier to use than previous generations.

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