Use your phone's installed browser to go to the Opera Mini download page.
Follow the instructions on that page to download Opera Mini to your phone. The Opera website will automatically determine what kind of cell phone you have, and give you the specific software your phone requires.
Confirm that you wish to install the software when your phone prompts you to do so.
Launch the Opera Mini software by selecting the Opera icon, a large red "O." On a smartphone, you will usually find the Opera icon in a list of other applications on the home screen. On regular cell phones, the software will be in a menu listing for "Your Applications," "Your Apps" or "Your Games."
Tap or select one of the default bookmarks on the first Opera Mini screen to confirm that everything is working properly. If you receive an error message at any point in the process, use a computer web browser to go to the Opera Mini support web page. Instructions to resolve common problems on many different types of cell phones are provided here.
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