Opera allows for a wide range of cookie setups. You can allow all cookies to be stored on your computer. You can refuse all cookies to be stored. Or, you can selectively allow certain cookies and certain types of cookies.

Your first option is whether to enable cookies at all. Note that you may have difficulties logging on to a significant amount of Web sites if you leave this unchecked.

The next step is deciding which cookies to accept and which to refuse. You can choose to allow only cookies that are set by the Web site you are visiting, not by any other sites whose content is displayed in frames or via images on the current page. You can choose to be prompted every time you receive a cookie, and to delete all new cookies when exiting Opera.

Managing cookies

Clicking "Manage cookies" takes you to your Server Manager, which lists all the domains you currently have cookies from. You can add new domains, delete the domains you do not wish to keep cookies from and edit cookie settings specifically for each server.

These cookie settings are also available on any site, using site preferences; Tools >Quick preferences > Edit site preferences.

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What are cookies and Invalid cookies

History , Cookies and Cache in Opera

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Cookies are: Strings of text, pieces of information stored in files that Web servers store on your computer when you are browsing. These files let the same servers recognize your computer the next time you visit their sites.

Cookies are not: Viruses. They cannot cause direct damage to your computer system in any way, but they can record your browsing habits in intrusive manners and trace your movements across different Web sites.

Some sites use cookies to store your user name, which means, for example, that for 10 hours after you log in with your password, you will not have to retype your password when you check your e-mail. This is a convenience, but it can also be a security hazard if others have access to the computer you are using.

Another use of cookies is to store information about the pages in a site that you have visited previously. This allows a Web site to customize itself with fresh content, rather than showing you the old material, and to present you with content you might be interested in based on what you have already viewed on the site.

Note that the "Use cookies to trace password-protected pages" option in the privacy preferences does not affect Internet activity, it merely uses the cookies saved to remove password-protected pages from your cache, and is thus mainly of interest if you are using Opera with a shared user account.

Invalid cookies

There are types of cookies that Opera will refuse regardless of whether you have set the browser up to handle all cookies. These are cookies set for top-level domains: domains ending in .com, .net, and .org, among others. Such cookies are considered invalid or illegal and are blocked because:

·                       Any Web site could read such a cookie's contents, it would have unlimited access.

·                       The only use for such cookies is to track surfers across the Web.

Opera will not let you accept these cookies.

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History , Cookies and Cache in Opera

Security and Privacy on a Shared Computer

Security and Privacy in Opera

E-mail security and Adding certificates in Opera


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All browsers keep records of where you have been on the Internet, and even store Web pages and other files (such as graphics) in a local folder known as the cache. Your cache folder can thus contain sensitive information. If you do not want other users to know about certain sites that you have visited, your history may point them to these sites, and your cache may contain local copies of the content of those sites.
If you do not want Opera to store your history, go to Tools > Preferences > Advanced > History and set the number of both typed-in and visited addresses to be stored, to 0. You may also set the cache to "Empty on exit", which means that it will be cleared when Opera is closed.
Note that cookies are often used to simplify logins, remember personal information in Web forums and so forth. Such cookies should not be passed on to the next user. The easiest means of avoiding this, is to clear all cookies before closing Opera. This, too, can be automated. Go to Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Cookies and opt to clear all new cookies on exit.
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Security and Privacy on a Shared Computer
Security and Privacy in Opera
E-mail security and Adding certificates in Opera
Levels of encryption in Opera
Shopping and Transaction Security

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