Managing bookmarks in the Bookmarks window

In addition to the Bookmarks panel, you can also arrange your bookmarks in the Bookmarks window.

To open the Bookmarks window, go to Bookmarks > Manage bookmarks.

The Bookmarks window works in much the same way as the Bookmarks panel, except that the former has a few additional choices, such as the File menu. From the File menu, you can import and export, and save the parts of the bookmarks list that you select.

By choosing File > Open you can also choose another file to use as your main bookmark file.

Managing Bookmarks in the Panel

To sort and edit your bookmarks, press F4 to toggle the Panel and select the "Bookmarks" button at the top. The bookmark panel shows the bookmark in the order that they appear in the Bookmarks menu. You can sort the bookmarks by clicking the View button.

The first option is for choosing how you want your Bookmarks window to look like:

* Full view - Displays the whole window as one, showing both folders and bookmarks

* Split vew - Splits the window into two parts, the top one for the super-folders, the bottom one for sub-folders and bookmarks

* Single folder - Displays folders in one window. Will not show bookmarks.

The options for sorting bookmarks are:

* Sort by my order - Bookmarks sorted by user-defined order. You can arrange the bookmarks in any order you want by clicking and dragging them.

* Sort by name - Bookmarks sorted alphabetically by name

* Sort by nick - Bookmarks sorted alphabetically by nickname

* Sort by address - Bookmarks sorted by URL

* Sort by description - Bookmarks sorted by the description (you can see the description of a bookmark when you edit it, or if you hover the mouse pointer over it for a short while)

* Sort by created - Bookmarks sorted with the last created bookmark first

* Sort by visited - Bookmarks sorted with the last visited bookmark first

The two last options in the View menu are for the order of the bookmarks.

* Sort ascending - Sorts bookmarks from top to bottom, that is, A - Z, 0 - 9

* Sort descending - Sorts bookmarks from bottom to top, that is, Z - A, 9 - 0

The Add button (or pressing Ctrl+D) will add the active page to bookmarks. If you click and drag the Add button, a menu will drop down, from which you can add a new folder or a separator. When you add a new folder, it will appear as a subfolder of the currently selected one. To add a folder in the top level, just click in the empty area below the bookmarks, (or use Ctrl+Click to unselect the selected folder), and then you can add a new one at the same level.

Right-clicking a bookmark or a folder will also display the menus for the buttons, and Properties will allow you to change a bookmarks name, nickname, URL and more.

For More information on Bookmarks>>>>


Posted by Jenny on Sunday, March 2, 2008
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